Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How Entheogens, Meditation and Science are used for Embracing the Conscious Universe

Sat Chit Ananda -
Being Consciousness Bliss

When we have broken down our associations with body and ego by discovering the emptiness of matter, we are finally free. When we identify with Self and not the gross organs of body and brain, we awaken to our power. We enter quantum time and space by means of Consciousness, spontaneously merging with the Absolute.
o the samadhi of infinite space (the infinite form samadhi)
o the samadhi of infinite consciousne
o the samadhi o
f nothingness
o the samadhi of neither thought nor no-th
ought -from the Dhayana Samhadi Meditation

Here we find the aspects of giving and receiving are not separate. For all things that you can desire are contained within you, within the Self in every being. The Source is non-separate, but many mythologies depict the divine as being separate. This is a psychological and spiritual misconception, a veil we must open to see the truth within.

"God creates, preserves, and destroys the world. While it exists, he hides his true nature from the people through the veiling power of Maya, while simultaneously emanating grace so that mature devotees can lift the veil of illusion and become aware of him as he really is"- Sri Maharshi.

When we awaken to self we understand that Nature exists both independently from and dependently with consciousness (Nature like you, has it's own consciousness which is also one with Self).
As an observer, our perspective is always limited, but as pure Consciousness we are one with the mind and actions of Self (Source, Spirit). Our creative and blissful nature as humans (Ananda) is one with all of Creation. When we look in earnest for the location of our Source, we find that it emanates from "the Heart". The Heart is not physical but rather is the dimensionless and timeless source of all Consciousness.

"When the mind emanates from the Self, the world appears. Consequently, when the world appears, the Self is not seen, and when the Self appears or shines, the world will not appear."-Sri Maharshi

Our laboratories and experiments can only point in the general direction, we must go on the great journey into the void alone. Maharshi had such a journey at the age of 16, simulating his own death and entering the state of Nirikalpa Samadhi.

"A jnani has attained Liberation even while alive, here and now. It is immaterial to him as to how, where and when he leaves the body. Some jnanis may appear to suffer, others may be in samadhi; still others may disappear from sight before death. But that makes no difference to their jnana. Such suffering is apparent, seems real to the onlooker, but not felt by the jnani, for he has already transcended the mistaken identity of the Self with the body." - Sri Maharshi

It is in such a state that without any scientific apparatus (like an electron microscope) that one can have a first hand experience of what quantum theorists talk about. And it is only through dying while still alive that Bhagavan became such a great teacher who, it is said, taught mostly through silence. Still and vast as his nature was, he had distilled his wisdom into many thought provoking lessons on Self inquiry and abiding in the Self.

Those on a quest for enlightenment have read many texts on how the attainment of enlightenment is a very rare state. However, Bhagavan Maharshi assures us that it is the easiest thing that one can learn. They are both right. As any philosopher or theoretician knows; truth is not black and white but contains many contradictions. This is called advaita, or non-dual philosophy.

As thus, mechanistic and static views of reality are outmoded and truth takes on a living and breathing quality. That which is not subject to change is not alive. Yoga and Ti Chi are examples of a living and breathing science with their roots deep in the beginning of civilization.
Science is constantly breaking down resistance, even within its own community and a quantum paradigm shift is emerging. Perhaps even now the limiting, imposing, and self destructive constructs are self destructing due to their unyielding and under-adapting nature. If a system, school of thought or bureaucracy is unwilling to change, its days are surely numbered.
As a function of self preservation, many people are apart of causing a shift in consciousness.

Could there be a more clear explanation of how this power is to be mastered and harnessed now that we are awakened to this power? For surely, our ignorance of our true relationship to this conscious universe and planet has created destructive technology like atomic bombs, biological warfare, psychological warfare to control a country's own citizens, ecological crisis, etc. etc.

Until man has utilized a science of of understanding Self, we will not be able to keep up with the advance of technology. As a small example of how it affects the state of humanity, Communities and families have suffered greatly because of Wall Street greed, corporate take-overs of small business, secret life insurance policies on employees (even past the time of their employment).etc. etc. How right livelihood and power have not achieved a balance is quite apparent here. Awakening to one's power means that victimization and exploitation can no longer survive in an environment created by intention. Some people are not fit for such a responsibility, so others deceive those people by claiming to be able to think for them. Deception can no longer take place in an environment of open dialogue and shared aims. Consciousness is a clear cut path to truth, a preserver of innocence that also liberates one from naivete.
As we become people who abide always in the knowledge of our true nature, we become quantum advocates for immense change.

I believe that teachers like Maharshi explain these things with perfect simplicity.
He urges us to experience the Self spontaneously, in the now, not at a future date. He also reminds us that once we have merged with the absolute, this state also is subject to change.

"Samadhi is the state in which the unbroken experience of existence is obtained by a still mind. ...These states do not constitute a permanent realization. They are temporary states in which the mind is completely still."- Ramana Maharshi.
He has also said that this state is permanent and irreversible.
Once you have experienced Samadhi, meditation is no longer necessary since your every thought and action emenates from and returns to the Self.
This to me, is like a moving meditation in which we move inward and outward to and from the inner creative source, at one with the blissful mind of Self.
It's source is the "I" that originates from and returns to the "Heart" which is dimensionless, timeless consciousness. Experiential knowledge of this is Samadhi, which leads to self realization and brings one into the alignment with their dharma. Your dharma is the specific energy frequency and vibration that makes you uniquely qualified to devote yourself passionately to a purpose that you are destined to. Humanity is destined to find meaning in existence. Hence the question, "who am I?" was born.

Janmaushadhi-mantra-tapah-samadhi-jah siddhayah (The siddhis (occult powers) are the result of birth, drugs, mantra, austerities or samadhi)."-Patanjali
Entheogens work faster than meditation because non spiritual people achieve high spiritual states without much difficulty.
But what is Samadhi anyway? How does it work with my life?
The quickest way to kill doubt is to find an arm's length of San Pedro, spine, skin, cut, and eat it. Drink plenty of cocoa and direct your thoughts to the One Source of Consciousness within.
. . . [mescaline] changes the quality of consciousness more profoundly and yet is less toxic than any other substance in the pharmacologist's repertory. 1
... it had always seemed to me possible that, through hypnosis, for example, or autohypnosis, by means of systematic meditation, or else by taking the appropriate drug, I might so change my ordinary mode of consciousness as to be able to know, from the inside, what the visionary, the medium, the mystic were talking about. 2

-Aldous Huxley Doors of Perception

Luckily countless researchers have come before you and you have endless inspiration for you to draw upon.Click the document above to get an idea of what kind of work has been done to understand different states of human experience.

"I hypothesize that performing various breathing techniques, while concentrating on the third eye (pineal pseudo-location), will inevitably and imperceptibly stimulate the pineal to produce less melatonin and serotonin, which in turn brings about a change in consciousness, creating naturally the dynamic somatics of a truly religio-spiritual experience." ~ Russ McClay, The Pineal Gland, LSD and Serotonin

1 Carlos Castaneda experienced this heightened awareness when in the presence of the Nagual don Juan. The Nagual's blow to the assemblage point, and especially teachings delivered from the transcendental position of awareness have this extraordinary effect. The Four Yogas empowers this shift in awareness. The emergence of the double or witness-consciousness is a prelude to the development of fearlessness, serenity, wisdom, and ultimate enlightenment.

Tranquility and insight are the essential requirements. Tranquil absorption is the foundation for insight into the nature of mind and ultimate reality. When thought projections are cleared the mind becomes stable and immobile. Just as salt dissolves in water, the mind dissolves into its intrinsic nature.

Edward Plotkin

Let's say that you ate some magic mushrooms or heard Ripple by the Grateful Dead and it drew you into a timeless awareness that you had not had since you were a child. It's more meaningful now! After coming back from that trip (perhaps going into it with recreational intentions)
you came out of it with a sense of profound meaning meant just for you and your life and could not be articulated but might somehow be translated into the experience of every conscious being. So it wasn't dangerous like they said...But was it scary? Yes... maybe a little. Because we are told by society to develop an ego for survival and were not given much instruction on what to do on that razor edge between ego and infinity. How do we integrate this total craziness into our lives? Shamanic traditions using entheogenic plants for ceremony have done much spiritual work toward understanding the flow of power and how to use it for healing, political, agricultural, and countless other purposes.
The spiritual and quantum possibilities when you have a plant as a guru can be quite amazing.

Frontiers Of The Mind interview with Stanislav Grof M.D. by Daniel Redwood D.C.
What happened was that my preceptor was very interested in EEG [brain wave monitoring], and I had to commit myself to become a guinea pig in the middle of my session. I was wired up, and she was attempting something that called "driving the brain," which meant that you would be exposed to a very strong stroboscopic, flashing light. The goal was to find out of the brainwaves would pick up the frequency that you were feeding to it. In relation to LSD, she was trying to find out how "driving the brain" was affected pharmacologically.

In the middle of my first LSD experiment, when I watched the flashing stroboscopic light, the nature of it all changed basically what happened was that I was catapulted out of my body. I first lost the laboratory, then I lost the clinic, then Prague, and then the planet. I had the sense that I was a disembodied consciousness of cosmic universal dimensions. I witnessed things that I would describe today as pulsars, quasars, the Big Bang, and expanding galaxies. While this was happening, the woman who was doing the experiment very carefully moved [the strobe light] through the different ranges of frequency -p; delta, theta, and alpha range, all carefully according to the research protocol.

When I ca

me back to my body, I had a very intense curiosity about this experience. I tried to get hold of all the literature that was available. And psychedelics became part of my work.

21st Century Highs
The Future of Psychedelics

An interview with Alexande r T. "Sasha" Shulgin by Dee
Have you ever reached or come close to a plus 4 (++++) (by means of a drug, of course), if so, was it truly bliss and what produced it?

S: The +4 state is not simply a more intense place - it is a unique mental state that is a phenomenon unto itself. As Ann and I noted in PIHKAL, it is a rare and precious transcendental state which has been called a "peak experience," a "divine transformation" or a "state of Samadhi." It has been known to come from a drug experience, and it has been known to occur to a person spontaneously with no drug having been involved. I have had two drug-related reactions that I have called "bliss" or "timeless" or "omnipotent" states where I can move things without touching them and make cloud patterns assume shapes of my own choosing. But as extraordinary as they are, they are also exhausting and an eventual return to a normal "stoned" condition is truly appreciated.

Buddhists and Hindus have developed a system of understanding based on many ritualistic practices that have been formulated and have evolved over many thousands of years. These practices have been developed to deal with the same questions that we have about transcendent states of consciousness.
But before you run off to an ashram or monastery, keep in mind that it will make little difference unless you have learned to act in the world emanating from, and returning to the timeless and dimensionless Self (Oneness, place of stillness in the great emptiness). This practice is in every way superior to sitting in meditation or taking mescaline.
You don't need to go anywhere or do anything to be in stillness, emptiness, oneness.
You can reflect on this wherever you are, whatever that you are doing. You will find that having this intention in the service of others has a remarkable effect. Your teacher will appear. You will be surprised by what form your guru may choose to take.
It gets deeper, every being becomes a teacher and every experience a moving meditation.
The Shakti (vital energy of creation) is what keeps things connected to the life force, like a vibrational fluid wave with fractal with serpentine coils of DNA and the teachers of our past in union with timelessness of the now.

1 comment:

  1. This is the most Deluded self centered collection of lies I have ever witnessed, congrats on (attempting) to live the absolute opposite of a truthful existence
